March 20th
Good evening everyone. Actually...I believe...well it’s good morning here as well. 1:15 in the morning here in...oh where the hell...I can’t even remember. What an amazingly challenging, but beautiful day, spent mostly above treeline climbing to the top of a mountain called Little McKinley.
Spent the day in the company of wolves. We didn’t see them, but man their tracks were EVERYWHERE. Just an amazing expanse...I’ll try to share the pictures soon.
We were so fortunate for bluebird sky and very little to no wind. And I swear, if Mother Nature decided to drop the hammer on you up there...holy moly...we were just constantly looking to the horizon to make sure there were no clouds because there was just nowhere to hide. Which made it spectacular, but at the same time, reminded just how small it made you feel...
I think of you all so very often in this place. And I was lost in my own little world out there, looked up and it scared the hell out of me - 3 miles outside of the village, there was a cross country skier just right in front of me...for a split second I wondered if I was making it up...but he was our welcome commitee! He skied us into town where a local fellow had prepared some moose that his son-in-law shot with some home grown vegetables...Wow.
Oh the sacrifices! How I missed that freeze dried meal this evening...lol
Tomorrow. onwards!